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Kamis, 21 Januari 2010

Sakura no Natsu…..


Ah yes…. I have been skipping out on my blogging lately….. IRL, I’ve just finished my foundation program in Melaka, so now I have a 2 week break before I start with my degree program back in Cyberjaya…. assuming I (by some incredible miracle) *somehow* do not flunk any of the tests I took…. In fact…. I barely recall my exam time, mostly because I was too preoccupied by GTA.

Well, so what have I been up to? Basically, just watching anime. Not only did I finish off (again!) all the Full Metal Panic anime, a recent post of mine reminded me of the fact that I haven’t watched one of the more classic anime titles of recent times, Card Captor Sakura.

Now, in midst of a marathon of the series…. I now know why Sakura-chan elicits such worship and praise, from fangirls and lolikons alike. She is definitely extremely sweet, yet still has her quirks as well… only 20 episodes in, and I’m pretty much enraptured by her already.

So far, she’s delaying my plan to write an extensive opinion on moe, which I popped into my mind during the english test, of all places. I _assure_ my readers that I did not write anything about moe for the essay part….. or maybe I did…..=.=….hopefully not. Stupid GTA:SA. So anyways… till I finish marathoning another 50 episodes and 2 movies, hoe ;).

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silahkan berkomentar tentang blog q ini yuach gan...!!!